Singing Higher - All About The Head Voice

Are you a singer who wants to… 
...sing higher? 
...increase your vocal range?
...reduce strain and tension in your voice?
...add more color and expressivity to your voice? 
If you said “Yes”, then you are in the right place! 
If you aren’t training your head voice, you are missing out. One of the biggest mistakes I see singers make is trying to limit themselves to just singing in their chest voice. 

All About The Head Voice  - What is the head voice?

The head voice is the higher, floatier part of your vocal range. It actually uses different muscle groups than your chest voice! 
There are SO many different colors to the head voice. A lot of singers are tentative about singing in their head voice because they feel like it sounds breathy or weak, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Singers are also tentative about singing in head voice because in western music, we don’t often...
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Episode 141: Tips To Switch Between Your Head Voice To Chest Voice Easily

This month it's all about singing higher. The topics in Episodes 139, 140, and 141 all work together to help you to learn more about singing higher.

Today, we talk about switching between your head and chest voice more quickly and give you some easy tips to help you out.

When you can navigate your vocal break better, it makes you feel more comfortable with your singing and then you can even more fun in your daily singing!

Sing Higher Elite is now available inside The Star Singer Green Room.

Click here to learn more about The Star Singer Green Room.


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